Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson Speaks Tonight

Here's are +Robinson's comments about us stewards in his blog entry for today:

"Almost invariably, though, I am stopped by each of the conference stewards -- mostly college-aged young people from England and around the Communion, who want to shake my hand and tell me of their support. These young people are so interested in the Church, so committed to being here and helping in any way, yet mystified by some of the words and behaviors they witness, all in the name of the Church. They want me to know how much they are praying for me. The fellow behind the cafe counter in the Marketplace insists that I accept a cappuchino he has made for me, a free gift he insists. Many want their pictures taken with the Bishop of New Hampshire, as if it will be a reminder of something important and hopeful for them. I am awed and honored by their interest and their kindness, and am reminded that "my congregation" right now is anyone who will listen and engage. Being "on the Fringe" is a blessing indeed."

You can find his blog at

He'll be speaking at one of the Fringe events tonight. I asked one of our supervisors if I could work the event so I can listen him to speak since it's probably going to be a packed house (the rule of thumb is that if an event is full, the stewards who are attending the event off-duty have to leave and those working the event can stay). There will be more to's going to be interesting!

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